The experienced FRR INDIA team deployed from Delhi to the Assam floods. They have their suitcase radio and broadcast over local stations for 2 weeks.
First Response Radio (FRR) powered by FEBC Philippines deployed to the most affected community, the city of Virac on Cataduanes Island, following typhoon Gobi/Rolly. Communications were completely cut off from this island. Within 72 hours the emergency station was on the air communicating with the community, using their suitcase radio station. They plan to distribute radios as well.
After a successful ''Training of Trainers' event earlier in July 2019, FRR Pakistan has been on air as the team took part in its first live response. Following cloudbursts in Kashmir, several communities have been affected by landslides and flash floods. (
In partnership with Voice of Kashmir 105.4FM, FRR team members, Sonia and Shaista presented a live show, taking calls from emergency workers (including Mr Rustam from Pakistan Red Crescent) to give updates and helpline information to affected community members. ![]() RR INTL team, manned by our partner HCR from the UK has been on the air since Saturday, March 30th in the flood isolated town of Buzi, Mozambique. All roads are still closed so the team, with suitcase radio equipment and radios to distribute was flown in on a government helicopter. They are the first station back on air there - several stations in Beira have already been back on the air for a few days. There are several hot topics including preventing the spread of Cholera. This video from UN OCHA in Mozambique covers the moment that FRR helped put radio Buzi back on the air. Thanks to both UN OCHA and the government disaster coordination team for their strong support. First Response Indonesia supported Krakatau FM93.7 in response to the Sunda Strait Tsunami. Humanitarian programming started on Dec 24th, within 48 hours of the disaster and by 72 hours they were also distributing radios: both to the affected community and to responders, so they could listen to the community voices. WATCH the video! True community engagement. Follow the photo link for a summary of the impact that First Response Radio is having after one week in Palu.
![]() The FRR Indonesia (FRI) team has just announced that FRI finished their ASSESSMENT phase and decided to deploy to the Palu earthquake/ tsunami area, starting of Wed. Oct 3rd. Their assessment revealed that most of the radio stations are off the air due to either damage or lack of electricity/fuel. Most power and communications is still off. Mobile data is not back and voice calls only are available in just some areas. The team plans to either support an existing station, or set up on their own frequency. They are taking the full FRR suitcase radio equipment, generator and at least 500 radios for distribution. Four FRI team members will deploy on Wednesday 3rd Oct and plan to stay through the emergency phase which is expected to last at least two weeks. The FRR team expects to face challenges with transportation, finding fuel and the general security situation – but it is noted that things are improving every day. FRR India sent 2 team members to Kerala state on 13th Aug after the worst flooding in around 100 years had led the government to evacuate around 64000 people to IDP camps. While assessing the situation and interviewing affected community members, NGOs and local government, the team found themselves in the midst of further heavy rains and flooding - quickly changed tack and produced programmes broadcast via a local AM station giving information about emergency relief.
The local AM station provided FRR India with 15min slots on 4 consecutive days during which they also provided information and advice to people who were in IDP camps. For many this there first ever experience of displacement. FRR India has two more slots this weekend on the local AM station. People are returning to their homes and from FRR India's past experience this is the time to advise people on dealing with snakes, dead animals and good hygienic practices. Alongside these very practical concerns, FRR radio programmes can help people who are dealing with grief and the trauma that goes along with losing all your belongings or your home. |