![]() The 2019 1st & 2nd Quarter FRR report is here. News of the latest equipment upgrade, Training of Trainers in Pakistan, FRR disaster response in Mozambique, and initial research results from the Bihar flooding in 2017.
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After a successful ''Training of Trainers' event earlier in July 2019, FRR Pakistan has been on air as the team took part in its first live response. Following cloudbursts in Kashmir, several communities have been affected by landslides and flash floods. (https://www.bbc.com/urdu/pakistan-48999427).
In partnership with Voice of Kashmir 105.4FM, FRR team members, Sonia and Shaista presented a live show, taking calls from emergency workers (including Mr Rustam from Pakistan Red Crescent) to give updates and helpline information to affected community members. Buoyed by the training and launch event in March, the new FRR Pakistan team has already held a refresher event in July 2018. Team members traveled to Muzzaffarabad, AJK to setup the suitcase radio system and create sample programmes. Refresher events are key to maintaining momentum and enthusiasm during “peace time”. Some workshop attendees who missed the first field trial gained valuable field experience at the refresher event. FRR Pakistan has set ambitious goals; to develop two national and four provincial FRR teams in disaster-prone areas in Pakistan in the next three years. Come join us in this mission!
FRR successfully launched a new FRR team in Pakistan in March 2018. Thanks to hosts HCR Pakistan, a new team of 15 people is equipped, trained and ready to respond should an emergency need arise. Representatives from Pakistan Red Crescent, Prime Minister's Office, Pakistan Relief, Pakistan Mission Society and FCTP completed the FRR training workshop and field trial. We are grateful to these organisations for putting forward such quality candidates for the course and also to PEMRA, NDMA and Tearfund for providing excellent guest speakers. Thanks also go to our hosts, VoK FM105.4 who allowed the FRR team to use their radio station during the 72 hr field trial in Muzzafarabad. During the trial the team prepared and broadcast program content related to disaster recovery, preparedness and aired survivors' stories in a community that had been devastated by a major earthquake in 2005. HCR Pakistan’s CEO, Hazeen Latif says “we have the equipment, the team and the passion to collaborate with NDMA, PEMRA and other humanitarian actors to save lives and stimulate recovery when everything is lost in a disaster.”
FRR Pakistan had a short deployment in KPK to help in communications assessments and to capture some voices of the people. Critical info was then broadcast over Dilbar FM – which could be heard in the affected areas.